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Python Enhancement Proposals

PEP 773 – A Python Installation Manager for Windows

Steve Dower
Discourse thread
Standards Track
18-Dec-2024, 21-Jan-2025
397, 486

Table of Contents


Installation of the Python distribution on Windows is complex. There are three main approaches with roughly equivalent levels of user experience, and yet all of these suffer from different limitations, including failing to satisfy modern usage scenarios. This PEP proposes a design for a single Windows install workflow tool that satisfies all the needs of the existing installers for the platform, while avoiding most of their limitations, and provides the core team with the ability to manage releases for many years to come.

With the new installer, the recommended command to launch the default Python on Windows will be python, while the command for managing multiple versions (including launching a specific one) will be py. Users can also opt-in to having global python3.x commands by adding an extra entry to their PATH environment variable. We recommend starting with the “How to teach this” section for the most concise high-level overview of the features.

The existing .exe installer and py launcher will be deprecated and no longer released from two years after this PEP is accepted. The existing embeddable distro will no longer be listed as a download, but will be available through the install manager. The Windows Store app will be immediately replaced with the install manager.

Reader’s Note

This document is a detailed proposal, intended to assist in an “approve” or “reject” decision on the replacement of the existing install formats for Python on Windows with a new format. It is not intended to be a binding specification, nor is it user documentation or an interoperability specification. The actual implementation may vary over time as needs change, and that is not to be considered a “violation” of this PEP. Any interfaces and protocols meant for public use will be independently documented and maintained in accordance with standard deprecation timelines.

Documentation on installing Python on Windows can be found at


There are a large range of needs users may have that lead to them wanting to install a Python runtime. Many, likely most, are interested in running (perhaps writing) short scripts, such as those that perform a simple task, or help teach someone a concept. Some users are looking for a specific version to integrate with existing code or another application. Some are after a full set of different interpreter versions to perform testing.

In this section, we discuss the expectations that users have of “installing Python”, provide an overview of the existing installers for Windows, and identify some of the gaps and challenges inherent in these offerings.


Based on significant anecdotal experience and analysis of quantitative data available (though not necessarily public), we make the following assertions about the majority of Python users on Windows:

  • most users just want the latest stable version
  • most users want a “one-click” (or fewer) install
  • most users do not want to use administrator privileges
  • most users will benefit from installing maintenance updates
  • most users expect the python command to work after installation

The primary support for these assertions is that the most popular installers actively chosen by users are the latest stable release on, and the latest stable release on the Windows Store, both of which meet these requirements.

We make the following assumptions about other significant sets of users. These may have some overlap between groups, and at least some users expect all of them.

  • some users want to install Python programmatically
  • some users want to install a particular version
  • some users want to install many versions
  • some users want to install for all users of their machine
  • some users do not want Start Menu shortcuts
  • some users want to install as part of their project’s build process
  • some users want to install as part of their project’s install process
  • some users intend to never update their install
  • some users expect the py command to work after installation

These assumptions have all been demonstrated over time to exist, though the relative importance has not been quantified. The NuGet packages and the embeddable distro can meet most of these needs.

Traditional Installer

The traditional installer is an executable downloadable directly from that installs the entire development kit for Python. This includes the CPython interpreter, the standard library, Python headers and import libraries, builds of Tcl and Tk, the documentation as HTML files, the runtime and standard library test suite, Start Menu shortcuts for Python and IDLE, debugging symbols and debug builds of the binaries, the py.exe launcher and its file associations, and functionality to modify the user’s PATH environment variable, enable long-path support on their system, pre-generate .pyc files for the standard library, and install pip. As of 3.13, it also includes a set of experimental free-threaded binaries. Many of these components are optional.

After downloading the executable, users are presented with a “quick install” option, which installs into their user directory with most options enabled. We believe that most users select this option.

A second option alongside the quick install takes the user to two pages worth of options, listing the components that they need not install, as well as other options such as the install directory and whether to install for all users.

All of these options may be specified on the command line, and there is also an option to proceed with the install without displaying any UI. Based on feedback and bug reports, all of these options are used by at least some users. However, as we do not track install telemetry, we have no way to know which options are more important than others.

Behind the scenes, the traditional installer is a Burn bundle, generated using the Wix Toolset installer framework, containing one or more MSI files for each feature. This framework is used extensively by Microsoft themselves, and provides the most direct method of using Windows Installer. The bundle is a custom C++ application, based on their template, which allows us to customise the overall behaviour of the installer to determine precisely which MSI files should actually be installed. The process of copying files, updating the registry, and generating shortcuts is handled entirely by Windows Installer.

As well as the intended uses, it is understood that many users will (attempt to) use the traditional installer for other scenarios, such as unregistered installs and automated CI system installs. While better alternatives are available, they are not as obvious, and the hope is that a future design would make these scenarios easier.

Windows Store

The Windows Store packages for CPython are produced as part of our normal release process using almost all identical binaries to the other packages. Due to being in an app store package, the primary python.exe is enhanced to be able to determine its location properly, and alternative pip.exe and other shortcuts are included to make up for the lack of PATH environment variable settings. These are implemented in PC\python_uwp.cpp in our repo.

These packages are installed by searching for Python in the Microsoft Store app, which will find results for each major version since 3.8. Users then have to select a version and install it. These packages include the CPython interpreter, standard library, Tcl/Tk, IDLE, and pip, and create file associations, Start Menu shortcuts, and global commands for python.exe, python3.exe, python3.X.exe, pip[3[.X]].exe and idle[3[.X]].exe. No PATH modification is possible or required, though users may need to manage their global shortcuts through the “Manage App Execution Alias” settings page.

In addition, Microsoft has added to a clean Windows install a default python.exe command. This captures attempts by users to launch Python on a machine that has not yet installed it. When launched directly, the command will open the Microsoft Store app to the page containing the recommended Python app, typically the latest version. This app is entirely controlled by Microsoft. Based on telemetry associated with the Python app (which is controlled by the upstream Python project), approximately 300,000 installs per month come through this redirector, making up about 90% of the total installs of that version.

Behind the scenes, the Store package is based on Microsoft’s new installer technology for apps known as APPX or MSIX. These are essentially plain ZIP files with a small amount of metadata, except that installation is handled by the operating system. They are always extracted to a fixed location, accessible to all users but not modifiable by any, and automatically updated to the latest release. The user’s own data is stored in an OS-managed location in their user profile, and is able to be reset, backed-up and restored using regular OS functionality.

NuGet Package

The NuGet packages for CPython are produced and published as part of our normal release process. The contents are identical to the traditional installer. A NuGet package is published to, which is a package manager typically associated with .NET languages, but highly integrated with any project supported by Visual Studio. This makes it a nice format for users who want a lightweight install of Python as part of their regular build process, and can simplify embedding scenarios.

The packages are installed using any tool capable of using the NuGet API, or may be downloaded directly once the URL of the package is known. The package is a plain ZIP file with some metadata. It contains the CPython interpreter, the standard library, development headers and import libraries, and pip. It does not execute any code at install time, and users must locate the package themselves in order to launch the python.exe contained within.

Embeddable Package

The embeddable package for CPython is produced and published as part of our normal release process. It is published to alongside the traditional installer. The contents are identical, however, the layout is changed to store all binaries at the top level, with the standard library packed into a ZIP file. A ._pth file is included to override sys.path so that only the files that are part of the distro are used, and environment variables or registry entries are ignored.

This package does not include pip, as the intention is for it to be embedded into a broader application. Other libraries should be installed at build time, since after distribution the runtime is meant to be an internal implementation detail of the app it is a part of.

As well as its intended use, some users attempt to use this package as a development kit rather than a runtime package. This is believed to be due to those users preferring to avoid “heavyweight” installers, and believing that this package is intended to be a “portable” install (extract and run), likely because it is the only ZIP file option listed on the download pages (speaking to the importance of clarity and limiting options on those pages). It is hoped that a future installer design will avoid or limit this confusion.

Alternate Distributions

While outside of our purview as the core team, alternate distributions of Python for Windows often use a project, workflow or environment-centric model for installation of the runtime. By this, we mean that the tool is installed first, and is used to create a working space that includes a runtime, as well as other dependencies. Examples of these tools include conda and uv.

Two observations are worth making about these tools. Firstly, they are often praised for being low impact, in that they usually don’t install additional entry points or files for the runtime, making the install fast and also isolated to a single project. Secondly, their users often appreciate the ease of selecting a particular version of a runtime, or alternatively, not having to select at all because existing specifications (or constraints) can choose for them.

These tools tend to meet many of the second set of expectations described above, usually combining multiple tasks in a single command to reduce the cognitive overhead of learning how to use and combine multiple commands.

It’s also worth pointing out that the core team does not view these alternate distributions as competitors to any upstream distribution. They are a fundamental part of how the open source ecosystem is intended to work. Our own distributions are a convenience for those who choose to use them, as not all scenarios are well served by a workflow tool or even a pre-built package.


There are numerous challenges we face with the current set of installers, which largely break down into two categories: mismatched or unachievable user expectations, and general unreliability.

The traditional installer has the highest level of unreliability. The Windows Installer technology is very old, and effectively no longer under development. While its basic functionality is okay, interference may come from many sources, such as virus scanners, other installers, system configuration, admin policies, and even other files in the same directory as the installer. On top of this, most of its advanced and beneficial functionality such as update patches, incremental updates, and automatic rollback are unimportant for Python users.

Most user expectations are defined by the traditional installer, and so by definition, it meets them. One primary gap is that it is not able to create an “unmanaged” install - that is, the equivalent of only copying files onto the user’s system without registration. If you have installed it once, and you try to install it again, you will only even be able to manage (or upgrade) the existing install. This can lead to installs moving on update, which will break users.

Additionally, the PATH environment variable cannot be intelligently modified - at best, we can prepend or append the install path. This usually results in the most recent install of Python being the highest priority. For example, if the user has Python 3.14 installed and then installs (or updates) 3.13, the python command will switch from the later version to the earlier version.

The py.exe launcher, defined in PEP 397 and implicitly updated by PEP 514, is an attempt to avoid this particular issue. It uses its own logic for finding installed versions without relying on PATH. However, the PEP 514 logic does not allow for prerelease or experimental builds to be treated specially, and so py.exe often prefers these builds by default over the non-experimental version expected by the user.

The Windows Store package is very reliable, with the exception of the global shortcuts. Rather than modifying PATH to add its own directory, these shortcuts are created in a single OS managed directory that has all the shortcuts defined by any app. Users are able to modify their PATH to exclude or de-prioritise this directory, leading to unreliable or inconsistent behaviour, and historically we have also seen this caused by installers. For example, installing Python from the Store followed by Python from the traditional installer with its PATH modification enabled will almost always shadow the Store package’s Python with the later install.

User expectations that are un-met by the Store package tend to be performance and technical. Due to the overhead of launching an app, Python starts up slower. Because apps are designed to be isolated from each other, it is more difficult to use hidden directories (such as AppData or TEMP) to communicate between different versions of Python, as each version has its own space. Apps are subject to stricter security requirements that legacy applications usually have disabled, such as DLL hijacking protection, which causes some libraries to fail. The python3 and python shortcuts are managed through system settings, and the user interface is not very good (and not going to be improved, according to Microsoft). Without managing these, it is relatively easy for an undesired version to be launched, though in general the targets can only be changed manually by the user, and not by merely installing another app.

Both the NuGet package and the embeddable distro are as simple and reliable to install as extracting an archive file, though it’s worth noting that for many Python users this is not a common task. They provide no install management at all, and cannot be reliably updated other than by deleting and re-extracting. User expectations that are un-met are almost always due to users selecting the wrong installer. Both these packages are for specialised cases, and while they are documented as such, the attraction of a plain ZIP file leads some users into failure.

Overview of PyManager

PyManager is the internal name of our proposed replacement installer tool. It will be distributed both in the Windows Store and on as an MSIX package. Downloading from either source will get an identical package, and both will support automatic updates (through the Store) for new releases.

The user visible name will be “Python Install Manager”, published by the Python Software Foundation. After publishing, we will request that Microsoft adjust their python.exe stub to open to this new app.

This app does not directly provide a version of Python, but it does provide the global commands that users expect to work, as well as file associations and Start menu shortcuts. The OS will prompt users to launch the app after install, which will trigger an automatic install of the current release of CPython and then launch it. From the user’s perspective, they have the same initial experience as today, with one added progress bar on first launch.

The global commands provided by the app must be static and bundled into the app itself. They can only change their behaviour at runtime, and cannot be redirected to different executables except by the user (and then only to another installed app). So the commands to be provided by PyManager are python.exe, python3.exe, py.exe, pymanager.exe. Each of these must have the ability to inspect the user’s system and choose the correct runtime to launch. Additionally, py and pymanager will have management subcommands to allow adding and removing runtimes.

In line with PEP 394 and the default behaviour of Windows, the recommended command for launching Python is python.exe. As provided by PyManager, this will locate an existing install, either among those that PyManager manages or using PEP 514, or it will install the latest available version of CPython and select that. The python3.exe command behaves similarly, but is only allowed to find 3.x installs from

The py.exe command provided by PyManager will be recommended for most management use, due to its brevity. py install ..., py list ... and so on. The proposed commands are detailed later. The existing behaviour of the PEP 397 launcher is preserved, however, launching through py will not automatically install runtimes (by default). If one is requested but is not installed, users will just get an error. The py exec ... subcommand, however, will install automatically, and supports the same options as bare py.

These commands are added at very low priority in the user’s PATH by the OS. Every existing configuration we may have created on a user’s machine will take precedence over these commands, and so these are a last resort in place of an error message. As a result, we can generally assume that a user is launching these commands because they haven’t configured a stronger preference (for example, a user who has activated an environment will never launch our python.exe, because activation will put a different one ahead of it, and a user who wants precisely the behaviour of the existing py.exe can just install it and will never launch our new one).

The pymanager.exe command is to allow for handling ambiguous situations. Existing installs of Python and the launcher may shadow python.exe and py.exe, but in an automated environment, this can make administrative scripts unreliable, and so the pymanager command is unlikely to refer to something other than PyManager. It has all the subcommands, and launching it with no command specified will print help for the user.

Replacing other installers

Our intent is to immediately stop publishing individual versions to the Windows Store, and to deprecate and phase out the traditional installer by Python 3.16. The embeddable distro will remain, but its listing on download pages will be phased out and it will be available only through PyManager. No changes will be made to the NuGet packages.

PyManager will be made available as an app package downloadable manually from, and the double-click install experience is generally smooth. This provides an equivalent to the current approach of downloading from our site. It will bundle a recent (unspecified) version of CPython so that the download can be moved to a non-internet connected machine and still provide a Python runtime after install.

Some automated deployment scenarios do not work with the newer MSIX format, and so a simple MSI will also be provided on This will have no options or user interface, and require administrative privileges, which are typically available for these kinds of scenarios. Additionally, the MSI will be required by users on non-standard systems, such as Wine, that do not support the MSIX format. While not officially supported, the MSI will enable these platforms to continue using upstream distributions of CPython. The MSI would be discouraged for most other users, and the MSIX is considered the default.

It’s worth noting that there is no way to make the MSI install fully compatible with the MSIX, and users with both will likely encounter confusion or problems. It is anticipated that only users without Store app support will use the MSI.

Our release processes will start publishing plain ZIP packages to These will be available from the FTP pages, but will not be listed directly on regular download pages.

Third-party tools that currently distribute their own builds of CPython will be welcome to use ours, though will be expected to be the initial point of contact for their users requiring support.

Project ownership and development

PyManager will be developed and maintained in its own repository adjacent to the CPython repository, and under the same terms. The CPython CLA will apply, and all (and only) core developers will have commit rights.

PyManager releases are independent from CPython releases. There is no need for versions to match, or releases to be simultaneous. Unless otherwise arranged, the PyManager release manager is whoever is the build manager for Windows.



In this document, all command line options will be shown with one or two hyphens. In implementation, all options will support one or two hyphens or a forward slash, to be permissive of both Windows and UNIX conventions.

Exec subcommand

py [-V:<TAG>] [interpreter opts] [|-m module|-c code] [script args]
py [-3.*] [interpreter opts] [|-m module|-c code] [script args]
python ...
python3 ...
pymanager exec -V:tag ...
pymanager exec -3.* ...

This subcommand is used to select and launch a runtime. It is the default action for the py command, and the only action supported by the python and python3 commands. The default options are subtly different in each case for consistency with existing use of these commands.

This subcommand is available on both py and pymanager. However, since py offers it by default, we would not expect users to use it there. The intent is that the py, python and python3 commands are the default ways to launch a runtime, and pymanager exec is for advanced scenarios.

The -V:tag command is used to request a specific runtime from the command line. The tag is a Company\\Tag pair, or just Tag if no slash is included, and is used as defined by PEP 514. The -3.* option is interpreted as -V:PythonCore\\3.*. This option is only available for py and py exec variants.

If no tag is specified on the command line, and a script file is specified, the script will be inspected for a shebang. If one is found that matches a recognised pattern, it will either provide the tag to be used for search, or it will override all other processing and its specified executable will be launched without further effort being made. This is to handle the (unfortunate) legacy support of arbitrary Windows-specific paths being allowed in what was meant to be a portability feature. In general, shebangs including simple patterns like /usr/bin/python3.13 are intended, while those that use /usr/bin/env python are unlikely to be of benefit since the environment tends to be less reliable than our search.

If no tag is yet requested, the VIRTUAL_ENV environment variable will be consulted to see if an environment has been activated. If so, that will become the request.

If a tag has been requested at this stage, the python3 command will verify that it matches PythonCore\\3.* and exit with an error if not. This allows allows the python3 command to be used in an active environment consistent with other platforms, but not if the environment would not have included the command. This applies to most existing versions of Python on Windows. (The alternative to this behaviour is to make python3 always error when an environment is active, as anything else would behave inconsistently for the user.)

If no tag is requested, the default will be consulted. For python3, this is PythonCore\\3, but for all other commands it is read from configuration (which might involve an environment variable). If it’s still empty, any tag will be allowed.

The best installed runtime matching the tag is then selected and launched with the remaining command line.

If no matching runtime is found, the py exec and pymanager exec commands will automatically install and launch one (user configuration permitting). The py, python and python3 commands will report and error and exit. However, in the case where no runtimes are available at all, including none detected from other installers, the first runtime will be automatically installed. This provides a useful first-launch experience, where a new user who has just installed PyManager will directly launch the latest (or requested) version of CPython. After this first time, errors will again be reported when a requested runtime is not found.

Install subcommand

py install [-s|--source <URL>] [-f|--force] [-u|--upgrade] tag [...]
py install [-s|--source <URL>] [-t|--target <DIR>] tag
py install [-s|--source <URL>] [-d|--download <DIR>] tag [...]
py install --refresh


This and all later subcommands are also available under pymanager. However, as we intend for py to be the usual command, we only show that one.

This subcommand will install one or more runtimes onto the current machine. The tags are Company\\Tag pairs (or just Tag if no slash is included), and are used to search the index file. Company names match as case-insensitive prefixes, preferring a full match over a prefix, and tags use case-insensitive, number-aware matches, with dotted numbers treated as versions. Tags must match one of the listed “install for” tags, and entries list multiple such tags to handle abbreviated requests. The special tag default resolves to the user’s configured default (typically 3; see Configuration later for details on configuring settings).

Tags may also be specified as a constraint, using >, >=, <, <= or != followed by the Company\\Tag or Tag value. When matching a constraint only the primary tag metadata is used for comparisons. Since the comparisons are version-aware, constraints such as >3.10 will select 3.11 as a minimum, while >3.10.0 may select 3.10.1.

The behaviour of constraints against arbitrary tags is likely to be unintuitive in some circumstances. It is anticipated that constraints will mainly be used with upstream releases, which typically use version-shaped tags, and primarily for cases where other metadata such as Requires-Python are being handled. Users are expected to use shorter tags for convenience, rather than ranges.

The default index file is hosted on, and contains install information including package URLs and hashes for all installable versions. An alternate index may be specified by the user using a configuration file or the --source command line option, or their administrator through a configuration file. The requested tag is matched against the index file, and if an exact match is found the package will be selected. In the case of no exact match, a prefix match will be used. In both cases, numbers in the tag are treated logically - that is, 3.1 is a prefix of 3.1.2 but not of 3.10. See Index Schema below for information on exactly how install tags are specified in the index file.

If a tag is already satisfied by an existing install, nothing will be installed. The user must pass an --upgrade or --force option to replace the existing install; the former will only replace it with a newer version, while the latter will remove and replace even with the same version.

Calling the command without providing any tags will not install anything, but will display the help text and an error (as for any invalid option). However, passing --upgrade with no tags will attempt to upgrade all installs.

Passing --refresh will regenerate all metadata and shortcuts for all installs. This is intentionally applied to all installs at once, as shortcut prioritisation relies on all installs being consistent (for example, the latest 3.x version should get the python3.exe shortcut, which gets complicated if users can choose to only refresh an older install).

If a --target <DIR> option is passed with only a single tag, that runtime will be extracted to the specified directory without being registered as an install (or generating aliases or shortcuts). This is intended to cover embedding cases, or downloading the files for incompatible platforms. Passing multiple tags with --target is an error.

If the --download <DIR> option is passed, runtime packages are downloaded but not installed. They are stored in the specified directory as their source packages, and an index.json is created that references these files. This index can be used later to perform offline installs with python install --source <index.json> [tag ...].

Uninstall subcommand

py uninstall [-y|--yes] [--purge] [tag ...]

This subcommand will uninstall one or more runtimes on the current machine. Tags are exactly as for the install command, including prefix matching, but only inspect existing installs. Unless the --yes option is passed, the user will be prompted before uninstalling each runtime.

If the --purge option is passed with no tags, then (after confirmation) all runtimes will be removed, along with shortcuts and any cached files. Passing any tags with --purge will produce an error.

Uninstalling PyManager does not uninstall any runtimes that were installed. For technical reasons, this would not be reliably possible (we cannot run arbitrary code at uninstall time), and so instead we deliberately ensure that anything that has been installed will continue to work. Reinstalling PyManager allows management of these installs to resume. Running py uninstall --purge before uninstalling PyManager will perform a complete uninstall.

List subcommand

py list [-f|--format <FMT>] [-1|--one] [--only-managed] [tag ...]
py list [-f|--format <FMT>] [-1|--one] [--online] [--source <URL>] [tag ...]
py [--list|--list-paths|-0|-0p]

This subcommand will list any or all installs matching the specified tags or ranges. If no tags are provided, lists all installs. Runtimes not managed by PyManager (including an active virtual environment) may be listed separately.

The default format is user-friendly. Other formats will include machine-readable and single string formats (e.g. --format=prefix simply prints sys.prefix on a line by itself). The exact list of formats is left to the implementation.

If --one is provided, only the best result is listed. This is to assist shell scripts that want to locate the default (or a suitable) runtime without launching it. (Note that “best” is loosely defined, but will always be the user’s preferred default environment if it is included in the results.)

The --only-managed option omits runtimes that were discovered but are not managed by PyManager, for example, those found using a regular PEP 514 lookup.

Passing --source (or --online to implicitly pass the default source) will search an online index rather than currently installed runtimes. The option is here rather than on the install subcommand because the filtering and formatting options are already available on list.

The legacy --list, --list-paths, -0 and -0p arguments from the py.exe launcher will also be provided. However, they will not support the new options listed here, and are limited to reproducing the output from the existing launcher. Unmanaged installs are not distinguishable in this listing.

Help subcommand

py help <COMMAND>

This subcommand will display the help text for each specified command, or if none specified, will show the list of commands. Specifying one command is the equivalent of py <COMMAND> --help. Showing the list of subcommands is the default action for the pymanager command.

The command is added primarily to offer a simple way to tell users how to find more information: they can be told to run py help. This avoids having to override or extend the python -? output, which otherwise forwards to the selected runtime and already prints at least one screen’s worth of text.

After an automatic install (e.g. running python with nothing installed), a message will be displayed telling users that they can run py help for more information on how to manage their installs.

Environment Variables

No environment variables can be updated automatically when installing a Store app, and so no updates will be done automatically. The core commands should already be available on a correctly functioning machine.

One directory within the user’s PyManager data directory is set aside for generated aliases. If desired, the user can add this directory to their PATH themselves. The contents of this directory will be managed by PyManager, and will contain executables to directly launch installed runtimes (for example, python3.exe and python3.13.exe for an install of Python 3.13). Whenever aliases are added to this directory, PATH will be checked and if it is missing, the user will be presented a message containing the path to add.

Scripts installed by packages installed into a runtime will be in yet another directory. Due to the current design, we do not believe it is safe to have them all install into a single directory, or a directory shared by multiple runtimes. However, a future development may include a command for PyManager to generate its own entry points based on metadata in installed packages.

Start Menu Shortcuts

A Start Menu shortcut will be added to launch PyManager documentation in the user’s default web browser. No applications are added to the Start Menu.

When installing Python runtimes, the install definition may specify Start Menu shortcuts to create for the install.

File Associations

Standard file associations will be created when installing PyManager, and will launch scripts and packaged apps with PyManager’s global python.exe alias. This provides sensible behaviour for users who are double-clicking on scripts or .pyz files.

Windowed Executables

For each of the global aliases described earlier, a *w.exe also exists. These launch without creating or attaching a console window, which typically means they will only display UI created by the script. For example, IDLE always launches using pythonw.exe, as this avoids an unnecessary native console.

These commands otherwise behave identically to their console counterparts.


PyManager is configured using a hierarchy of JSON-based configuration files. Command-line options always override configuration file options. Configuration files in user editable locations may be disabled by a configuration or command-line option.

In ascending order of priority, these will be located:

  • within the app package
  • specified by admin-only configuration (see below)
  • in the base_config setting (default: none)
  • in the user_config setting (default: %AppData%\\Python\\PyManager.json)
  • in the additional_config setting (default: %PYTHON_MANAGER_CONFIG%)
  • specified with the -c command line option

The specific behaviour of each configuration option is left to implementation. However, a number of intended options are discussed in other sections.

App package configuration is provided to allow PyManager to be embedded in other applications or packages. For example, an alternative distribution may want to include PyManager but have it locate installs from their own index. The app package configuration allows reusing our build and overriding the default settings.

The user_config and additional_config settings are pre-configured in earlier configuration files, allowing them to be overridden by admin-only configuration or an alternate root configuration. If a configuration file overwrites the setting that caused the file to be loaded, it is ignored. The base_config setting is similar, but starts empty and is intended for easy overriding through admin configuration.

Admin-only configuration is provided to allow administrators to manage systems under their control using existing tools, such as group policy or registry updates. By design, these controls cannot be overridden, such that it is possible for administrators to deploy policy that prevents or limits the use of PyManager. These controls are essential to allow PyManager to be deployed safely into certain environments, and without them, it would simply be disallowed and those users would have no access to Python.

The intent is for the main admin-only configuration to be a path to a new base_config configuration file that an administrator can deploy to any controlled location. This allows a network administrator to control the source of their users’ default Python runtimes, without forcibly restricting them, or to override the other sources for configuration files (apart from the command line option).

Index Schema

The index file is made available either online or locally, and provides PyManager with all the information needed to find, select, install, and manage any Python runtime.

The index is stored as JSON. The main top level key is versions, which contains a list of objects. Each version object has its own schema version, and there is no overall file schema version. Future changes may add additional top-level keys to provide functionality that cannot be safely integrated into an existing one.

Version objects may be split between the index file and a __install__.json stored in the root of each package archive. The entries in the bundled file will fill in any gaps from the index file. This is intended to allow the typically large shortcuts key to be removed from the index file, but may also extend to alias, executable and executable_args. Omitting other keys from the index may result in problems installing the package. Ensuring correct behaviour is left to the implementation - this is not an interoperability point, and so we do not intend to specify the details here (beyond the normal compatibility requirements that apply).

A second top-level key next contains an optional URL to another index. This may be used if PyManager cannot find a suitable package in the included versions. The intent is to allow for older indexes to be archived and only accessed when required, reducing the size of the initial download without cutting off users from older versions. When searching for a suitable install, later indexes will not be searched if a viable candidate is found (in other words, the first index consulted should have the latest versions in it).

The initial schema is shown below:

    "versions": [
            # Should be 1.
            "schema": int,

            # Unique ID used for install detection/side-by-side.
            # Must be valid as a filename.
            "id": str,

            # Name to display in the UI
            "display-name": str,

            # Version used to sort packages. Also determines prerelease status.
            # Should follow Python's format, but is only compared among releases
            # with the same Company.
            "sort-version": Version,

            # Specifies platforms to consider this package for.
            # Initially, 'win32' is the only supported value. Others may be
            # defined in the future. This condition is evaluated silently, and
            # is not intended to replace platform requests in "install-for".
            "platform": [str],

            # Company field, used for filtering and displayed as the publisher.
            "company": str,

            # Default tag, mainly for UI purposes.
            # It should also be specified in 'install-for' and 'run-for'.
            "tag": str,

            # List of tags to install this package for. This does not have to be
            # unique across all installs; the first match will be selected.
            # For example, the 3.10.5 package may list '3', '3.10' and
            # '3.10.5' so that any of those may be specified to install it.
            # Matches are number aware, so that 3.1 is not a prefix of 3.10.
            "install-for": [str],

            # List of tags to run this package for. Does not have to be unique
            # across all installs; the first match will be selected. The target
            # is the executable path relative to the root of the archive.
            # Explicit args (optional) are inserted before user args.
            "run-for": [{"tag": str, "target": str, "args": [str], "windowed": int}, ...],

            # List of global CLI aliases to create for this package. Does not
            # have to be unique across all installs; the first match will be
            # created.
            "alias": [{"name": str, "target": str, "windowed": int}, ...],

            # List of shortcuts to create for this package. Additional keys on
            # each instance are allowed based on the value of 'kind'.
            # Initially, 'kind' supports the following values:
            # * 'pep514' - other keys define registry values to set
            # * 'start' - generate shortcuts in the user's Start Menu
            # * 'uninstall' - generate an Add/Remove Programs entry
            "shortcuts": [{"kind": str, ...}, ...]

            # Default executable path, relative to the root of the archive.
            # Usually the values from 'run-for' will be used instead, and this
            # is mainly for display purposes.
            "executable": str,
            # Default executable args
            "executable_args": [str],

            # URL to download the package archive from
            "url": str,

            # Optional set of hashes to validate the download. Hashes are stored
            # as hex digests. Any hash supported by hashlib without OpenSSL is
            # permitted.
            "hash": {
                "<hash_name>": str,

    # URL (or relative path) to the next index file
    "next": str,

Shebang Processing

For limited compatibility with scripts designed for sh-like shells, PyManager will check scripts for a shebang line. A shebang line specifying a Python command will be used (when not overridden on the command line) to select a suitable runtime for the script.

Unlike the support currently in the py.exe launcher, we propose to reduce this functionality to only support Python commands where the command matches a global alias listed for an install, with anything not matching being treated as an arbitrary executable path. In practice, this is expected to produce the same (or better) results for non-contrived cases, but may result in subtle changes where users are relying on unspecified edge case behaviours of the existing launcher.

The specific patterns to be detected are left to the implementation, but should be largely compatible with the existing launcher.


“Changing” the python.exe command

It may be argued that the global python.exe alias provided by PyManager is “not real Python” and so should use a different name. While this is strictly true, there are three reasons we argue that it should be used.

Firstly, thousands of users daily install through the Store page after being led there by having typed python at the terminal of a clean machine. Due to how this redirection is implemented, if the app they install does not provide a python command, then the redirection will remain in place. In order to ensure that users do not get stuck always going back to the Store, we need to provide this command. (The same applies to python3.)

Second, the alternative to the “not real” alias is not “the real” one. It’s nothing. We don’t have the ability to replace the global static alias with one that follows the user’s preference or installs, and so the alternative would be to provide nothing and have python be an error in all cases. This is worse, and in our opinion, actively harmful to Python’s reputation.

Third, although the underlying implementation of the python alias is more complex than the default Programs/python.c, the experience of using it is identical. The alias is only launched in the absence of another expressed preference (that is, there’s nothing else on PATH), it respects any indirect preferences (such as through configuration or shebangs), and it launches the most appropriate version of Python available on the user’s machine. This is much closer to the desired behaviour of the global python command than any alternative.

It has been noted that Gentoo also distributes an intelligent python command, in order to serve their users better than a simple symlink.

Replacing py.exe

The py.exe launcher exists to provide some of the functionality that will be replicated by PyManager - specifically, the ability to launch an already installed runtime. Despite its long history, the launcher does not seem to have become the preferred method for most users, with many preferring the global modifications to the PATH environment variable. However, the command itself has come to be relied upon, and should be preserved as long as possible. This is achieved in two ways.

Firstly, we install our own py.exe alias with PyManager that provides the same functionality, along with PyManager specific functionality. This is intended to become the default/preferred install of py.exe over time.

Second, we generate PEP 514 metadata (when requested) for each install, which allows a legacy py.exe to continue to work normally with installs managed by PyManager.

Due to how the existing py.exe launcher configures itself, and how the MSIX package for PyManager is constrained, it is not possible for PyManager’s py alias to override the launcher. As a result, users who install the launcher will always find py resolving to the launcher. Ultimately, the only way to resolve this in favour of PyManager is to uninstall the launcher, which can be done through the standard Installed Apps control panel.

We propose to update the existing launcher, which will continue to be released with the traditional installer, to detect attempted use of the new subcommands and provide a useful message for the user rather than the current error. These warnings can also detect the unlikely case where a user is intentionally launching extensionless files by those names and retain that behaviour, allowing a viable alternative for users who cannot make other changes to their setup.

Interaction with venv

An activated virtual environment, as implemented by the standard library venv module, will modify the user’s PATH environment variable to ensure that the venv launcher will take precedence over other executables. As a result, when a venv has been activated, PyManager can only be launched by its aliases other than python. When an active virtual environment is detected, it will be treated as the user’s default runtime (except for uninstall), which ensures that other commands will also behave as expected.

This means that working virtual environments will behave as they do today with no additional support from PyManager.

Backwards Compatibility

In general, there are no compatibility guarantees to the install process between minor versions (3.x to 3.y), and so “having to use a different installer” is not considered compatibility breakage. The versions of Python installed are only impacted by this change to the extent that the install method modified their behaviour. In general, most installs will be closer to the behaviour of having been built from source by the user themselves.

That said, there are a number of changes that will impact certain users when they do move to a new install process. This section outlines as many of these changes as we are aware of, in no particular order, and will likely form the basis of a migration guide.

Scripted downloads

Users who wrote scripts to generate the download filename of our old installer will find those scripts are broken. These URLs were never guaranteed stable or predictable, and so we have no recourse to do anything other than apologise and suggest users use our own tooling for downloads.

The deprecation period for the traditional installer allows time for these users to learn about the upcoming change. Where possible, we will add deprecation warnings to the traditional installer.

Scripted installs

Users who wrote scripts to execute our installer with particular options will have to change their script. Most options have been removed, to begin with, and those that remain have new spelling. Since it is not possible to reach a state where options for the old installer are being passed to the new without manual intervention (that is, someone has to change the command already), this is considered an acceptable change.

The deprecation period for the traditional installer allows time for these users to learn about the upcoming change. Where possible, we will add deprecation warnings to the traditional installer.

Old runtime installed

Users with existing runtimes installed will find them selected by PyManager and its aliases, provided the registration is not corrupt.

The priority order among installed runtimes has changed to only include prerelease versions when specifically requested (for example, -V:3 will match 3.14.0 rather than 3.15.0a1, but -V:3.15 will match 3.15.0a1), and to correctly sort text suffixes on tags (for example, 3.14t is now lower priority than 3.14).

While it is possible to provide warnings in cases where this may be impacting a user, such warnings would be considered very noisy (e.g. a message every time you launch python because you have a prerelease installed that wasn’t selected) and require complicating the selection logic unnecessarily. This change will be documented only.

Old py.exe launcher installed

Users who do not manually uninstall an old py.exe launcher will find that both their existing and new installs of Python are found, though where versions match the existing install will take priority over the new install (whereas the new py would select the new install).

They will also find that commands such as py list do not work. The solution here is to use Windows Settings to uninstall the launcher.

There is no way to detect that a user has accidentally left an old py installed, or to remove it for them. This change will be documented only.

Misconfigured venv activated

Users who activate a corrupt or misconfigured virtual environment that is either missing its python.exe or has it not on PATH may receive a different error from before.

PyManager’s global python alias will be found and executed instead, suppressing any system “not found” error. As it fails to find the environment’s actual runtime, it will then fail, though the code and message may be different.

As this scenario requires an already corrupt system, this change will be documented only.

Old version availability

Python versions prior to the first release of PyManager can be backfilled into the index, either based on newly repackaged archives or using the almost equivalent packages from NuGet (the latter does not include Tcl/Tk, making them significantly incompatible for some users, but this is likely okay for especially old versions).

Administrator installs

Installing a copy of Python for all users is no longer possible, as PyManager will only install into the user’s own directory. No scenario has been presented to show that per-machine installs are in line with our intent for the upstream distribution, and so we will simply not provide an option for them. Third parties who desire this functionality are encouraged to provide their own distributions.

PyManager can only be installed for all users, though an MSIX does not require administrative privileges to install, and can be extensively configured by an administrator, including to constrain the actual runtimes which users may install. Additionally, PyManager supports local extraction for bundling, and so embedding apps can easily generate their own layout, which can be installed for all users if they so desire.

As this scenario requires administrator intervention with or without any changes, this will be documented only.

Build-time installs

Users using the embeddable distro may have to change to a new method for discovering the URL to the packages, though the recommendation would be to use PyManager to discover and install. No differences are anticipated due to the change of installer, and the embeddable distro package would be identical to today.

No changes to the NuGet packages are proposed.

Single architecture installer

The current proposal only makes an Intel 64-bit build of PyManager available. This will prevent users on 32-bit only operating systems or CPUs from being able to install PyManager. As this is a vanishingly small proportion of machines today, and an even smaller proportion of developer machines (the target audience for PyManager), we are not concerned about excluding users.

Windows ARM64 machines support running binaries built for Intel 64-bit through efficient emulation. CPython 32-bit builds will still be available as they have an important role in integrating with 32-bit executables, which does not allow substitution of 64-bit binaries. As PyManager runs as a standalone executable, this is not a necessary feature for the manager.

Security Implications

In this section we compare the security implications of the installer itself to the existing installers. The implications of Python being installed on a machine are out of scope, and the ability of a malicious user to execute the installer is also out of scope.

The typical risk introduced by an installer is that an elevated install may make changes to a system that allow a low-privileged user to later affect a high-privilege user, for example, by inappropriately setting access control on shared folders. PyManager only operates as the same privilege level as the user, and therefore cannot introduce any escalation path.

An install using the MSI described earlier may introduce additional risks, due to using older installer technology. Typical users are directed towards the MSIX or Windows Store install paths, which are safe, and it is assumed that users of the MSI are capable of ensuring the security of their install process (for example, by correctly quoting their commands to launch the installer and ensuring the initial system configuration is suitable).

Once PyManager is installed on a machine, it is likely that malicious users will use it to install Python. The admin-only configuration described earlier in “Configuration” is intended to control these scenarios. Ultimately though, an attacker who can run PyManager is able to do whatever the user can do, and only a complete application whitelisting approach can prevent the use of Python.

Acquisition of packages over HTTPS is protected by the connection security. We use native Windows download mechanisms that support public and enterprise certificates, as well as authenticated proxy servers. The feed may include hashes for downloadable packages, which will be verified, but there is no third-party hosted verification built into PyManager. This is consistent with today’s model.

Runtime installs by PyManager are fully accessible by, and modifiable by, the current user. This is equivalent to typical installs using the traditional installer or a NuGet package, but is more vulnerable to tampering than a Store install or a per-machine install with the traditional installer. It is not possible to fully protect an install from the user who installed it. Reinstalling or updating an install performs a clean install, which will revert any tampering that may have occurred since the original install.

The aliases generated by PyManager when installing a runtime are designed to use a signed, unmodified executable that uses an adjacent data file to launch the correct target. This can be easily abused to direct the launcher to launch an alternative, however, the only way to resolve this would sacrifice the trust in the executable itself, making it trivial to replace it instead of the data. Such risk already exists, and is equivalent to replacing the script that a user may launch, or any part of the standard library. Importantly, since aliases are not shared between users, there is no escalation of privilege along this route.

PyManager has no mechanism to perform a per-machine install. This may be useful functionality to some users, as it would allow an install to be completely unmodifiable by the regular user (excluding virtual environments and the user site folders). Such functionality may be manually imitated by an administrator using PyManager and other OS commands, but it is not considered a critical workflow. The recommended alternative is for an administrator to provide PyManager and override its configuration.

Impact on Existing PEPs

This proposal would effectively replace PEP 397 (“Python launcher for Windows”) and PEP 486 (“Make the Python Launcher aware of virtual environments”) by defining the same functionality as part of a new tool with the same name. Both are already considered final, and the launcher is defined by its documentation and normal compatibility processes. New functionality is based on the current implementation, and not the original PEP text.

This proposal has no impact on PEP 394 (“The “python” Command on Unix-Like Systems”), and is believed to be consistent with it in devising an approach for Windows that allows similar guidance to be given to users on all platforms.

This proposal has no impact on PEP 514 (“Python registration in the Windows registry”), and in fact improves our ability to follow it with a more flexible system for registering our own runtimes. Tools that follow PEP 514 will find any runtimes that choose to use the registration, regardless of how they were installed.

How to Teach This

Basic Use

A central goal of this proposal is that “type ‘python’ in your terminal” will be sufficient instruction for the most basic cases. Thanks to the redirector added by Microsoft, following this instruction will at least result in something useful happening, and with PyManager we can ensure that “something useful” means that the user is running the latest version.

To explain what is actually happening, we propose the following as introductory text:

Python installs on Windows are managed using an installer tool. After it has
been installed, you can run ``python`` to launch the interpreter, and it will
choose the best version already installed, available online, or referenced by
the script you are launching (if any). If you have a preference for a
particular version, you can specify it with ``py -V:<version>`` followed
by the rest of your command.

To install a version of Python without running any command, use ``py install
<version>``. You can see all of your installs with ``py list`` and remove them
with ``py uninstall <version>``. Run ``py help`` to see all the options that
are available.

Because each version of Python will be shared by all your projects, we
recommend using virtual environments. This will usually be created for a
particular Python version by running ``py -V:<version> -m venv .venv``, and
activated with ``.venv\Scripts\Activate``. Now, rather than the install
manager, ``python`` or ``py`` will always launch your virtual environment, and
any packages you install are only available while this environment is active.
To get access to the manager again, you can ``deactivate`` the environment, or
use ``py <command>``.

Many Python projects include information about how to launch their projects as part of their own README files. Historically, such information has been complicated due to the range of options available to users. We propose that, after the install manager is published, such guidance could be written along these lines:

To install and use our application, first install Python following the
guidance for your operating system at Then,
create a virtual environment and use 'pip' to install.

``python3 -m venv .venv``
``source .venv/bin/activate`` or ``.venv\Scripts\Activate`` (on Windows)
``python -m pip install OurAwesomePackage``

If instructions will not include information about virtual environments, then the python or python3 command can be shown, and on Windows both will operate as intended for users with the install manager.

Instructions currently referring to py for Windows can continue to do so, as the install manager provides a practically equivalent command. Projects that wish to provide Windows-specific instructions, such as by using the -V: or --install options to install the correct version, should also link to the documentation as guidance for ensuring that the install manager is installed.


Complete uninstallation is an important topic to cover before a user is likely to consider removing the install manager. Since not all parts of installs can be automatically cleaned up when removing the manager, we choose not to remove most of them. So while the default python and py commands will go away, all the runtimes that were installed are still present and usable.

We suggest an explanation like this:

Before you uninstall the Python install manager, you'll want to uninstall any
runtimes that you added. This can be done easily with the "purge" option:

``py uninstall --purge``

This will remove all installs and any shortcuts that would otherwise be left
behind. If you already removed the manager, you can reinstall it and run the
above uninstall command again to clean up. Individual runtimes can be
uninstalled by specifying the tag instead of ``--purge``. Tags can be found
by looking at ``python list``.


Configuration files are a common feature that will be documented, but do not need to be taught to regular users. Similarly, advanced deployment options, such as those that might be used by system administrators or organisations wanting their users to use a preferred index, are best covered in reference material.

Custom Index

We suggest that indexes only need to be introduced when instructing users to install a specialised runtime or distribution. Administrators seeking to provide an index are anticipated to actively seek out the relevant information in the documentation.

To explain how and when to use an alternate index, we propose text along these lines:

Our distribution can be installed on Windows using the Python Install Manager
(include link) by referencing our index:

``py install --source <your index URL here> latest``

This index contains all our versions. Use ``py list --source <URL>`` to
see everything that is available.

Reference Implementation

The reference implementation is available at the author’s repository with a precompiled MSIX package under Releases. This sample includes a bundled index, rather than a hosted one, and references a range of existing NuGet packages to allow install testing.

Reference documentation can also be found in the same repository.

Rejected Ideas

Make PyManager available on all platforms

While we are not inherently opposed to this idea, it relies on many more components being aligned before it can become possible.

Firstly, as it stands, the reference implementation has a lot of Windows-specific knowledge. Equivalent knowledge for other platforms would need to be collated and implemented, as well as any additional behaviours specific to non-Windows platforms.

Second, we need a source of pre-built, relocatable binaries that can be extracted onto the system. While such sources do exist, due to our position in the supply chain, we cannot justifiably use them (they should be using us). For Windows, our own binaries already meet these criteria, so we can repackage them without modification.

Third, the current implementation relies on a bundled Python runtime, which must be isolated from any user interference for obvious reasons. This would also require the relocatable binaries mentioned above, which we currently only have for Windows.

Due to the additional steps needed to make this functional on other platforms, and the fact that there isn’t a need to replace existing installers for those platforms, we consider this idea out of scope for this PEP. It may be pursued in the future (and the contributors most likely to do so have indicated that they are looking into it and would be able to use a consistent interface).

Include a runtime pre-installed with the manager

The proposal is to have a full Python runtime included with PyManager, so that its python.exe alias can refer directly to it rather than resolving to the best available version dynamically.

It is very important for stability and updates that runtime releases are fully independent of the manager. Updating the manager should be possible without affecting any existing runtime installs, and likewise there should be no requirement to update the manager to get a newer runtime.

Hypothetically, if we were to include Python 3.14.0 with the manager such that it did not need to be installed, it would be a breaking change to later replace that with 3.15.0. As we only have a single install for the manager, this would result in the newest installs getting the oldest runtime.

This would also ignore the status of PyManager’s python alias as being of an unspecified version - when the user is launching this alias, it’s because they didn’t care what version they get enough to specify one. In that situation, we ought to select the best available, and allow them the options to stabilise it as is appropriate (whether through a shebang or an active environment).

Include a runtime INSTEAD OF the manager

This is the current situation, which we are trying to change. If you read this far and still chose to make this argument, please go back and start again.

Use a built-in module rather than subcommands

Two alternatives to using commands like py list or py install that have been proposed are to use either dedicated modules, invoked like py -m list and py -m install, or a single dedicated module invoked like py -m manage list. This idea is rejected on the basis that it attempts to reuse existing semantics for a scenario that cannot be reliably implemented by those semantics, and so will require a special case that is harder to explain, understand, and maintain.

The main reason this idea is rejected is due to the interaction of two otherwise desirable semantics: first, that the default py command should launch the latest available runtime as if it were launched directly; and second, that the behaviour of -m should not be treated as a special case in some circumstances. If the first part were dropped, we would freely modify the command to behave as users expect - nobody would be raising compatibility concerns at all if we were agreed to completely break compatibility. However, if the second constraint were dropped, users would bear the burden of the ensuring confusion. (We aren’t proposing dropping either - this is a rejected idea, after all - but it helps to illustrate what the options are.)

First, since one of the subcommands is intended to install your first runtime, we cannot treat python -m [manage] install as if it is running through the default runtime - there isn’t one! It inherently requires special case handling in order to read the command and execute it through a different program.

Additionally, Python allows other options to precede or mingle with the -m, which would have to be supported by this special case.

Finally, the semantics of the -m option include searching the initial sys.path for matching module names. This is a considerably more broad search than a bare name. py -m install would gladly execute, install.pyc, install.pyd, install\\, and more after searching a number of directories found by inspecting the file system, the environment, the registry, as well as any transitively included paths found in those. Compared to py install, which would only look for a file called precisely install in the current working directory, the -m behaviour is far more likely to be already relied upon by real scenarios. (For example, Django projects typically have a script, meaning that py -m manage would always behave incorrectly.)

Changing py -m install to not behave like -m, but instead to execute an internal command, is vastly more likely to break users than changing py install. As such, this idea is rejected.

Use a new command-line option rather than subcommands

A reasonable alternative to subcommands is to specify their names with leading punctuation, like an option rather than a subcommand. For example, this may look like py /install ... rather than py install, or py --list. Because some of these are currently errors for a normal CPython interpreter, they could be added without any backwards compatibility concern.

Notably, however, the typical Windows format of a leading slash is not an error in CPython. Windows users therefore cannot directly transfer existing knowledge and must learn a new way to specify options. As we are proposing a Windows specific tool, this is a terrible start. Additionally, those users familiar with Unix-style command lines will recognise the misuse of options as commands.

We desire to create a clean interface, and starting with a design that includes obvious warts or learning challenges is counter to that goal. Modern tools universally use subcommands for these purposes, and so the idea to use something different is rejected.

Improving the current traditional installer instead

Rather than creating a new install mechanism, we could invest in maintaining the current installer. At this stage, however, our current installer is based entirely on retired technology. Windows is no longer developing the Windows Installer service, and Wix are no longer improving the version of their toolset that we use. Migrating to a newer Wix Toolset is a significant amount of work, and ultimately still leaves us tied to old technologies.

As mentioned earlier, the most beneficial functionality provided by Windows Installer is not used for CPython, and generally has caused more issues than it has ever solved (for example, accidental downgrades due to automatically collected file version information).

The implementation of the Burn bundle, which is our primary source of installer logic, is in C++ and integrated into a framework that few core developers are familiar with. This makes maintenance challenging, and is not a good long term position to take. Migrating desired features such as registration-free installs into the Burn bundle is not possible (without writing the end-to-end reimplementation and integrating it as an afterthought).

Our view is that maintaining the current traditional installer is at least as much effort as implementing a new installer, and would not provide meaningful benefits for the core team or for our users. As such, this idea is rejected.

Delete the Store package completely

Removing the Store packages would reduce the number of options users face when choosing a Python runtime. By all measures apart from reliability and security, the traditional installer is entirely sufficient as a substitute. The effort to migrate parts of the ecosystem to more secure settings (such as not relying on DLL hijacking) has largely occurred, but some packages remain that still only work with less secure configurations, and moving all users back to these configurations would ensure that users of these packages would not face the issues they face today.

However, the majority of users of the Store packages appear to have no complaints. Anecdotally, they are often fully satisfied by the Store install, and particularly appreciate the ease and reliability of installation. (And on a personal note, this author has been using Store packages exclusively since Python 3.8 with no blocking issues.)

The greatest number of issues have been caused by misconfigured PATH variables and the default python.exe redirector installed by Microsoft. In other words, entirely unrelated to our own package (though sometimes related to unresolvable issues in our other installer). For the sake of the high number of successful installs through this path, we consider the burden of diagnosing and assisting impacted users to be worthwhile, and consider the idea to simply drop the Store package rejected.

That said, when PyManager is published to the Store, we would plan to delist all existing runtimes on the Store to ensure users find the manager. This only impacts new installs, and anyone who has previously installed a particular version (even on another machine, if they were logged in) will be able to continue to use and install those versions.

Rely on WinGet or equivalents

WinGet, Chocolatey, and other similar tools are not installers in the sense that we require. They use their own repository of metadata to download, validate, and run installers. Without our own installer, they have nothing to run, and so cannot be used.

It is possible that their metadata will not support installing PyManager and then running it to install a particular runtime. If this is the case, they may need to investigate using our binary packages directly.

Currently, none of these install tools are officially supported by CPython, and so we have no obligation to make them work.

Make every version a Windows Store package

It is possible to release each version to the Windows Store as we currently do, but make them unlisted and rely on an installer (potentially PyManager, WinGet, or another tool that can install Store packages). This would avoid the risk of overwhelming the user, while greatly simplifying our own reponsibilities for package management.

This approach would leave a significant burden on whichever contributor has access to the Store publishing interface, as updating packages is a manual operation. Additionally, it would leave every Python runtime with the technical limitations outlined earlier. As such, this idea is rejected.

Making every version a MSIX package rather than a ZIP, even though this avoids the Store publishing interface, would still impose technical limitations on users. It is also rejected.

Just publish the plain ZIP file

Publishing the plain ZIP file is part of the plan, however, it will not be visibly listed (for example, on the download pages, though they will be visible in the FTP view). An alternative would be to publish and list these packages, and expect users to download and manually extract and configure them.

Given the workflows we see, we believe that most users do not want to configure a Python install at all. Not only do they not want to choose the install location, they do not want to choose a version, or even have to search for a download provider or instructions. However, they do want to be able to find an install later, launch, update or remove it, or list all known installs.

It is also worth recognising that there will be more ZIP files than are currently listed on the Download pages, and so the list of files will become longer. Choosing the correct download is already challenging for users (those who bypass the primary “Download” button and view the list of all available versions and then files), and we have no desire to make it more challenging.

The index protocol and download list will be available for tools that wish to use it, or for users who are willing to navigate JSON in order to find the URL. The --target option on the install command also provides a trivial download and extract operation, allowing users to have the same experience as a ZIP file. And the --download option can give users the ZIP file still zipped.

Only publish PyManager to one place

Whether the Windows Store or, it would be viable to publish to only one location.

However, users strongly expect to be able to download something from If we were to remove any option at all, we would inevitably hurt our users. Without an MSIX available on, users have no way to transfer the package to another machine, or to fully script the initial install of the manager.

Many users rely on the Windows Store app to install packages, and the built-in redirector in Windows can only open to a Store page. As such, removing the Store app is equivalent to denying hundreds of thousands of installs each month.

The two builds are practically identical. The only difference between the MSIX we provide to the Store and the one that goes to is package signing: we sign the package ourselves, while the Store package is signed as part of the publish process. Otherwise, there is no additional cost to producing and publishing both packages.

Inline Script Metadata

PEP 723 introduced inline script metadata, a structured comment intended for third-party tools to interpret and then launch a Python script in the correct environment. An example taken from that PEP:

# /// script
# requires-python = ">=3.11"
# dependencies = [
#   "requests<3",
#   "rich",
# ]
# ///

PyManager has no integrated support for installing dependencies, and does not propose adding any. As a result, we could not fully implement handling of this metadata, and as we consider partial handling to be worse than nothing, we choose not to implement any.

It is possible for a user to specify the constraint directly as an option, for example, py -V:>=3.11 to get the selection behaviour.

We could also detect the metadata and warn if the selected runtime does not match its requirement, but this is not part of the initial proposal.

Open Issues

Generate packages for old versions

At present, we can install versions of Python back to 3.5 from the NuGet feed. These are identical to the traditional installer releases of the same versions, but do not include Tkinter, IDLE, documentation, or the test suite. However, it is very little work (and no additional storage space) to use them for older releases.

New binaries releases will generate new packages, even for already released versions (currently 3.12 and 3.13). So these will exist. The open issue is whether we go back through old releases and generate full PyManager packages for them all, and how far back to go. This is merely repackaging, and does not require rebuilding or modifying the release.

Include test suite in PyManager packages

The test suite consumes the majority of the size of our current distribution, but is not intended to be used by most of our users. By omitting it from the standard PyManager package, all downloads become smaller and faster, at the cost of some users having to obtain the test suite in another way (such as building from source).

It seems obviously preferable to have some way to access the exact test suite intended for a particular build. So the question is whether to include it by default (there are no optional components anymore), to publish it independently (for manual download as a ZIP file), or to publish a second feed of packages that include both the runtime and the test suite.


TODO: Collate references


Last modified: 2025-03-10 16:47:18 GMT